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Advertisers/Media Pack

Commercial Advertisement


The website provides access to thousands of unique users who will see your announcement.

Therefore, we offer you the opportunity to place banners that will not only promote your company but also reach your target audience.

The banners can include information about your products. There are only two exceptions regarding content: political and illegal material.

To learn all the details about commercial advertising, please email


Non-Commercial Advertisement


By signing up as a DJane, you get the chance to utilize our non-commercial advertising.

This includes the ability to post all the information you want: mixes, photos, videos, and more.

It’s a great opportunity to gain fans and secure new deals.

Creating a promoter account gives you access to all the DJanes available on the site.

You can familiarize yourself with their work and have the opportunity to book the DJane you like best for your event.

To take advantage of the site’s non-commercial advertising, create your personal page.