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Djane Rink in India's only DJ magazine

India’s #1 Djane Rink was recently in conversation with India’s only DJ magazine in print. We get you her views on some topics from the interview.

On whether there is any particular success mantra in the industry:

“…Success here actually comes from knowing your music inside out and how to drop the appropriate tune at the appropriate time, additionally I feel it’s important to have as much fun as possible and take great pride in whatever you do. Listen to new music; listen to what people tell you about the music you play. Be open to suggestions, critique and learn how to do things differently. Be dynamic. That always works.”


On difference between the industry she started in and the industry today:

“…The gig scene and festival culture according to me has reached its peak here…While everything that’s happening is absolutely great for all of us, I believe there can be better-we can do better. The scene today of course is much more open than it ever was before, with more and more avenues to explore dance music in its various forms. But we need to up our game in some radical way.”


On tips on DJ’ing for the up and coming artists:

“… A lot of the younger gen takes things for granted thanks to digital DJ’ing over the laptop and other mobile devices. While all the perks that it brings to the table is really cool, you need to understand that you’re playing for a crowd that loves it when you’re “head-up” rather than drowned into your laptops. So learn to listen with your ears rather than rely on a laptop.”


On what are some essential techniques that one needs to pay extra attention to while performing live:

“…But the thing is, if you don’t interact with your crowd, your performance loses its soul. Your audience is always your soul, and your set needs to incorporate that. Talk to them, encourage them to jump, scream and shout. Getting the crowd to be part of your set is half the battle won; and I guarantee you they’ll be present at your next show for the incredible dance experience you’ve given them.”


On what’s next on the cards for her:

“I’ve made almost 48 original tracks, and I plan to release them sometime next year, hopefully in the first half…I’m also planning an India Tour whose details will be made public as soon as the specifics are decided. Then there’s also the DJ academy that I’ve set up, which I plan to further enhance through the introduction of new course materials and better learning value… I plan to work on more collaborations... So yes, it’s going to be a busy near future for me, and I’m absolutely excited about it.”


She's having a busy year up ahead. Are you ready for the year that comes? Share your plans for the New Years eve with us!